Saturday 6 November 2010

Illogico enters Indy 500

Well, not quite, but it has entered the top 500 largest wikis on the web. This isn't really a badge of honour or anything, not like being peed on by a donkey, but it does mean we're getting closer to our ultimate goal... usurping Uncyclopedia at its own game.

Yep, it seems many of us have been losing sight of this, taking their eyes from the caramel coated, slightly soggy prize which'll no doubt be put on eBay for £0.01 with free P&P once attained.

Never mind, though. Here are some wikis the English Illogico is larger than:
Only 13 million more articles to go until it's the largest wiki in the world. Woohoo! Cos as we all know, bigger is always better. Isn't that right, ladies?

1 comment:

  1. Aberystwyth is bitchin yo. The Rap Wiki shags sheep though.
