Sunday 9 March 2008

Illogicopedia mentioned in die Deutschland articlezen

Die Illogiopedien ist mentioned in die Deutsche press articlen! Ja, das ist richte.

Enough of that rubbishy pigeon German. It seems the Illogicopedia has been mentioned in a German article on Wikipedia parodies- not sure where it originated, but it seems to have been syndicated a few times. For those of you not proficient in the German tongue (such as I), here is a pigeon translation, courtesy of Google translation:

And to complete the confusion to make pages look like "" and "" At first glance, Wikipedia quite similar. Die Satire hat allerdings einen ernsten Kern: Sie zielt auf die Leichtgläubigkeit ab, mit der manche Surfer Netz-Meldungen aufnehmen. The satire has a serious core: It aims to gullibility, with some Web surfers messages.

Link to full article (untranslated)

Update (23/3/08)

Some other news sites such as now have an English translation. Ja bitte!

There's also a mirror at Yahoo News, perhaps the most famous of the sites syndicating the article.

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