Enough of that rubbishy pigeon German. It seems the Illogicopedia has been mentioned in a German article on Wikipedia parodies- not sure where it originated, but it seems to have been syndicated a few times. For those of you not proficient in the German tongue (such as I), here is a pigeon translation, courtesy of Google translation:
And to complete the confusion to make pages look like "Uncyclopedia.org" and "Illogicopedia.org" At first glance, Wikipedia quite similar. Die Satire hat allerdings einen ernsten Kern: Sie zielt auf die Leichtgläubigkeit ab, mit der manche Surfer Netz-Meldungen aufnehmen. The satire has a serious core: It aims to gullibility, with some Web surfers messages.
Link to full article (untranslated)
Update (23/3/08)
Some other news sites such as Expatica.com now have an English translation. Ja bitte!
There's also a mirror at Yahoo News, perhaps the most famous of the sites syndicating the article.
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