The blogosphere is a massive sphere that, if you touch, you die. -- Francis E Dec's smart Alec friendWell, not exactly... you see, the blogosphere is actually a hunking great pink elephant that will eat you... [is cut]
Sigh. Just click the links.
- Toribelliachi's (Robomilk's) Livejournal - Online hotspots
- Csgonsilu (?!) - A list of free encyclopedias
- WikiHowl: Shout out to Illogicopedia
- Mislih (Mandaliet's LiveJournal?) - a mention
- Mossy Coconut - a mention
- A syndicated article that mentions Illogicopedia. Oh good-o!
Ugh, bring the brain medicine... my sanity is fading fast.
Can you mention my blog in this.
Not much. Gonna add some more.. Thanks.
Added a small mention at the bottom, T3