Illogiblog has scoured almost 1,000 deleted articles to bring you this, a completely pointless list you will probably find totally unfunny. Yep, as outlined in plain English (as opposed to Palin Egnlish) by the post title, here's a selection of one-liners offered as article deletion reasons by Illogicopedia administrators in 2011. Look now upon their beauty, for one shall never clap eyes on such a sublime collection of painfully humourless and often cheesy quips. At least until we do a similar post, anyway. Bring it on down!
- Agh, the meta-ness is overpowering...
02:44, 31 Jeremy 2011 Athyria (Talk | contribs | block) devoured "Bear Cavalry" (FIGS aside, what is this, that you are so insistent? Perhaps we can... talk...? On a talkpage? Meantime, keep this up; I like deleting things. It makes me feel important.)
- Idle conversation is for wimps. Too much chatting, not enough narcissistic deletionism.
06:00, 14 Farbleum 2011 Readmesoon (Talk | contribs | block) devoured "Benefits of Getting Free Insurance Quotes Online 25979" (something about poop. quote me on that. )
- Yeah, I just did - quote you, that is. Aren't I badass?
22:15, 11 Arche 2011 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | ) devoured "Boner" (Denzel Washington demands the removal of this article)
- Only included because I'm incredibly vain and because I like to insert Denzel's name into random deleted article summaries.
16:49, 18 Aym 2011 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) devoured "The way to Setup some sort of Shopping Cart Solution on a Website" (Monkey ass juice. In other words, spam.)
- Oh come now, that's just disgusting. How could you say such a thing... erm, myself? *Clears throat*
12:49, 25 Jumbly 2011 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) devoured "Black Sabbath" (I take back what I said about the spambots. They have no sense of humour.)
- Sacrilege! Alright, that's enough of my own stuff for now. This isn't "Hindleyite's Best Ever Article Deletion Summaries From 2011".
03:36, 11 Serpeniver 2011 Athyria (Talk | contribs | block) devoured "Buy effexor 150mg cheap - effexor not working - citalopram vs effexor" (That's nice. I'll consider it.)
- The very next day, Athyria was found under a bridge playing marbles with tramps. She had a five-foot beard.
19:14, 26 Octodest 2011 Athyria (Talk | contribs | block) devoured "Call of Duty" (I hate to inform you that we actually do have quality standards. Sort of.)
- We have rules? Well, that's news to me and I've been visiting Illogicopedia for five years.
13:59, 30 Novelniver 2011 Hindleyite (Talk | contribs | block) devoured "Party Pills Australia" (Giving Aussies a bad name)
- Yes, I'm fully aware this one sucks, but I only had nine good ones and I had to make it up to ten somehow.
17:49, 6 Ditzimber 2011 Athyria (Talk | contribs | block) devoured "File talk:Chicken of the sea.png" (Automated text forms remind me of what I hold dear.)
- Proof that Illogicopedia can be as emotional as a chick flick.
You can find more of the same on the actual devoured pages list, from which this post is sourced.
The edit summaries seem overlap the text and make the post unreadable in Firefox. Loving these 2011 summaries though, keep 'em coming!
ReplyDeleteWeird formatting bug fixedeth! It was 'cos I copy-pasted the summaries. ;)