Oooh look! Another entry in the Illogi Classics series. This time round it's a special 'This Is Your Life' style classic focusing on everyone's favourite mute flightless bird.
Despite the obvious vanity surrounding the idea of a user becoming an IllogiClassic, I believe Seppy makes an exception... just for the sheer volume of featurettes he makes in articles.
One of the site's creators, and proclaimed IllogiGod, Silent Penguin is notorious for cropping up in articles across the wiki. Famously playing himself he usually ends up in some kind of tangle that pokes fun at his muted features. Seppy as of yet hasn't commented on hisc numerous appearances, though it is often observed users including him in their stories disappear without a trace soon after.
The Seppmeister's Filmography
- Penglish uprising
- The Massive quest to find stuff
- Silent Penguin's Bogus Journey
- Silent Penguin
- Battle with Flameviper
- Invasion of Illogiland

- Seppy (pictured) cannot talk but he can write and type, which is something of a miracle considering he has no fingers.
- Edit: he uses a special machine he had built for him by Albert Einstein.
- SP is currently the only user to have an entry at the Illogic In-jokes page, just because he is so awesome.
- He owns an ultimate shotgun, which can kill 3 elephants and a lemur with one bullet.
Mmmmfff mpfppf mffffff pheh muffgfgf. Phuh. -- Seppy on being inducted to the Illogi Classics hall of Fame.
So three cheers for our fishy friend!