So, earlier that day, I had grabbed a ReCaptcha phrase (EWxceeed action) and stored it in the doggie poop box, for possible use as an article title. On the back left burner, I had a pot with EWxceeed action simmering on low, while arguing with Seppy about this crucial idea, upon which the very foundations of Illogimedia may or may not depend.
All of the sudden...
14:13] <@SilentPenguin> data:undefined;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEASABIAAD//gA7Q1JFQVRPUjogZ2QtanBlZyB2MS 4wICh1c2luZyBJSkcgSlBFRyB2 NjIpLCBxdWFsaXR5ID0gOTUK/9sAQwAFAwQEBAMFBAQE BQUFBgcMCAcHBwcPCwsJD BEPEhIRDxERExYcFxMUGhURERghGBodHR8f HxMXIiQiHiQcHh8e/9sAQwEFBQUHBgc OCAgOHhQRFB4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh 4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eH h4e/8AAEQgC0AIQAwEiAAIRAQMRAf/EAB8AAAEFAQEBAQEBAAA AAAAAAAABAgMEBQYHCAkKC//EALUQAAIBA wMCBAMFBQQEAAABfQECASo, we wrote EWxceeed action or the article that wrote itself. Anything you may have missed here, you will get if you read it.
The reason it was an article which wrote itself is that I had pasted a huge waste of seemingly random text into the article, and was about to save it, when the computer apparently saved it of it's own will. Of course, my wife and I prostrated ourselves before the laptop, much to the surprise of our dog, Frunobulax. Next, I added the part about the article writing itself to commemorate this act of Divine Providence, or something.
Wow. That really is some crazy stuff. I guess Seppy has turned into a cyborg...