It's time once again for some biased babblings with the Thoughts of the Week. Loads of shizmondo kicking around this week, and it's been Illogicopedia's most hectic time since, well, ever. For your delectation, a deliciously drama-free selection of musings for this week, Yak style.
- Article Improvement Drive 2 is not far from being finalised for public consumption. This time round there's a difference: users can earn titles for their signature via The Sporadical Radicals achievement system. In addition, site wide changes are expected to be implemented, starting with some of the user portals which haven't been updated for bloomin' ages.
- Website of the week: Forklifts Unlimited. Aside from the brilliant name, it's really created in the same spirit of Illogicopedia with the ramblings of lunatics and, well, you should just check it out. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, it's maintained by one of our users - THETHINKER, proving you can never think too much. And from what I can gather it has little to do with forklifts.
- I've proposed a new policy with regards to the use of gibberish. It's kind of been an unofficial thing since the birth of the ?pedia but I thought it was time to try and make it official. Well, I say official: none of our policies are really set in stone and are more guidelines for wiki usage. Still, gibberish is not what Illogicopedia is about - encouraging development of literary styles, on the other hand, is.
- There's a new Illogimail, the first one in ages, addressed to the BBC. Might be worth watching this one: Auntie Beeb have a programme called 'Points of View' that regularly screen such emails complete with stupid/smarmy/cynically-tinged voice over.
- Ellasint is taking over Big Brrother 2009. Just thought you would like to know: I'll certainly be keeping an eye on things. Last year's competition was fun and I'm looking forward to more of the same next season. Please message Ellasint with any questions regarding Big Brrother.
The image of the forklifts from
Wikimedia Commons and was by
Mdornseif. I leave you with this parting thought:
If quizzes are quizzical, then what are tests?
Good evening.
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